Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Naruto Sharingan Contact Lenses

If you're a Naruto fan, then you know how the Sharingan red eyes peer deep into the soul of anyone the contact. For those who aren't Naruto fans, Sharingan have deep red eyes, circled by a thin black line with either 3 or 4 black dots arranged in a semi-circular pattern around the cornea.

Since the Sharingan are so popular, there are a few companies that have started making sharingan contact lenses. These contact lenses look exactly like you see on all of the Naruto shows. I have two of these contact lenses in person, and both looked spectactular.

The first sharingan contact lens I saw resembled a radioactive sign with 2 dots at the top and one dot in the middle below the top two dots. These contacts had a thin black line around the outside that faded into the middle. They looked good, but not as good as a the second set of contacts I saw. The second pair looked like exact duplicates.

The second pair of Sharingan contacts I saw were hand painted and looked like they were created by the same artist the drew the Sharingan. The lenses were the standard red and black. The full contact was red with a thin black line bordering the outside. In the middle, the pupil was black and there was another faint black line outside the pupil. Attached to that line were two dots in the north west and south east corners of the eye. An exact replication!

These lenses will instantly connect you with any Naruto fans you come in contact with. They're perfect for conventions and meet ups with other fans.

Next time you're at a Comic Con, make sure and look for other people wearing Naruto contact lenses!

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